Shany Azaria
Postdoctoral Fellow
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
I'm a Postdoctoral fellow at the Operations Management and Statistics department, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
My research focuses on congested systems by empirically exploring its implications on operational performance and examining mechanisms to alleviate it. In recent years I have spent most of my time examining the court system as a fertile ground for congested systems' research and a channel for social impact by improving access to justice.
I earned a PhD in Operations Strategy, an MBA, and a BA in Economics from Tel-Aviv University. Prior to academia, I worked for over a decade in a management consulting firm, forming and leading improvement processes in large-scale international organizations.
Azaria, S., Ronen, B., & Shamir, N., (2024). Alleviating Court Congestion: The Case of the Jerusalem District Court, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 54(3), 205-296. [link]
Azaria, S., Ronen, B., & Shamir, N., (2023). Justice in Time: A Theory of Constraints Approach, Journal of Operations Management, 69(7), 1202–1208. [link]
Azaria, S., Ronen, B., & Shamir, N., (2023). Manufacturing Justice: The Value of Looking at the Legal System through Operations Management Eyes, Innovations in Management, 12 , 115-126 (Hebrew). [link]
Research in Progress
The Congestion Vortex: Empirical Evidence of the Adverse Effects of Delay on Workload in Court Systems, R&R at Production and Operations Management (with Shamir N.)[link]
Access to Data for Access to Justice: Event Log of 18 Years of U.S. Federal District Court Cases
(with Alexander C., Baron O., Krass D. and Senderovich A.)
Awards and Honors
YW4OR (Young Women for Operations Research) Cohort, EURO WISDOM Forum (2024)
Tel Aviv University Provost’s Teaching Excellence Award (2023)
​Theory of Constraints Body of Knowledge (2023)
The paper "Justice in time: A theory of constraints approach" was added to the TOCICO BOK
Goldratt Foundation New Knowledge Award (2012)
Best knowledge development in the Theory of Constraints (TOC) for the presentation "Justice in Time: Applying TOC to Law Courts Systems" (with Ronen, B. and Pass, S.)
Grants and Fellowships
Rotman TD Management Data and Analytics Lab Research Grant (2024)
"From Docket to Data: Unpacking Judicial Congestion Using Process- and Queue-Mining" (with Alexander C., Baron O., Krass D. and Senderovich A.)
​Tel Aviv University President's fellowship for women postdoctoral scholars (2023-2024)
Raya Strauss Center for Family Businesses Research Grant (2017)
"Identifying the Generic Core Problems in Family Businesses" (with Ronen, B. and Weiss, D.)
Elrov Real Estate Institute Research Grant (2014)
"The Influence of Real Estate Bonds on the Israeli Real Estate Market" (with Ronen, B. and Lieber, Z.)
Teaching Experience
Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University 2007-2023
Instructor (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Executive programs)
Statistics (intro and advanced)
Practical Models in Operations Research
Leading the Strategic Change Process
New Ventures Creation
SDA-Bocconi School of Management, Milan, Italy 2006-2009
Teaching Assistant (Graduate program)
Advanced Methods in Increasing Shareholders’ Value

Seminars, Conferences and Webinars
Shift Effect in Emergency Departments: Empirical Evidence and Assessment of Impact
Sandra Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy Research Roundtable, Toronto, Canada (Scheduled)
From Data to Action: A Process-Driven Framework for Emergency Department Queue Mining and Intervention Design
35th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Atlanta, Georgia (Scheduled)
Access to Data for Access to Justice: Event Log of 18 Years of U.S. Federal District Court Cases
University of Rochester, Simon Business School, OM Group Seminar (Scheduled)
University of Toronto, Rotman OMS Department Seminar, Toronto, Canada (Scheduled)
Tel-Aviv University, Coller school of management, Operations Strategy Seminar, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Scheduled)
Hebrew University Business School Seminar, Jerusalem, Israel (Scheduled)
From Docket to Data: Unpacking Judicial Congestion Using Process- and Queue-Mining
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, October 2024
33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2024
Leveraging Operations Management to Improve Access to Justice: Research Agenda on Court Congestion
33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2024
Consequences of Long Lead Time – Empirical Evidence of Adverse Effects of Delay in Court Systems
WISDOM Webinar on “Machine Learning and Operations Management”, May 2024
33rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Orlando, Florida, May 2023
Alleviating Court Congestion: The Case of the Jerusalem District Court
33rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May 2023
Justice in Time: Applying Operations Theory to Court Systems
31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), online, April 2021
30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Dublin, Ireland, June 2019
ORSIS annual meeting, Shefayim, Israel, May 2019
ORSIS annual meeting, Beer-Sheva, Israel, May 2018
Resolving the Real Estate Price Crisis: the TOC Way (Keynote panel discussion)
15th annual TOCICO conference, Berlin, Germany, July 2017